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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Never gunna get it, never gunna get it....

For some reason I leave the blogging alone for a lonnnng while, thinking I don't know how to do this blogging BS, and then for some reason I come back. Forcing my through learning, I want to blog....I want my own space to vent, cuss or cry when ever I want. I NEED my on rant page!!! Ok off to learn some more about this! Frustrated.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

8 Years married Today!!!

Did I mention that we were together NINE before that? It took alot of time to train this guy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Still Here...

Having a bit of writers block...and I am still searching for the perfect camera. Give me your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Im a Slacker....

I have been MIA from blogging, I don't know maybe it was the lack of followers or maybe I just don't have a fricking clue how al this works. Sad face. So I am going to try and plug along and stick with it, and maybe I will learn me something......not sure why I don't have any followers???? Well we are on our 2nd week oh Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Universary classes, still undecided. Lots of info, but I think a lobtomy would be quicker. Here's a couple pics before I sign off....

My daughter on the left, I was the best mom in the whole wide world that day, and I loved every min of it!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blogger Anxiety

OK so I spend a fair amount of time trying to learn this life called blogging, and I am getting no where....quick. I did have to remind myself to write for me, not for people who ever stumbles on this in a complete accident, and my boring blog is burned into your retina forever. I need to be myself and that sometimes is a loud, crazy, and very wishy washy most of the time. Soon I will get pics on her of the people in my life who I consider my cast of characters. Until then I am goggling more on blogging.....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lots of Laboring on Labor day...

Yes we were those people that said oh let's all clean house on we enjoyed the weekend running around to one BBQ to another, lets throw our clothes, mail, and everything on counters and the floor. Because it will be here monday right? Yes, well monday morning came way faster than I expected and I wake up to a house that looks likes 10 toddlers came in and destroyed. And nobody had any motivation to lift a finger. Lighting a fire and having a SLIGHT meltdown I convinced everyone in the family how it would be in there best interest to help a poor mom, I think the fact that I said I wouldn't cook supper for week or maybe a month, can't remember details are a moot point. And all in all the day turned out really good the oldest cleaned their room spotless, well her spotless not mine. But she did focus alot of time on it, and well our youngest, hummmm well he stayed out of our way and his in the closet playing legs, trying to look as if he was re-arranging shoes for 4 hours! Everyone did such a great job that I made Steaks, Twice Baked Potatoes Mashed (If you want the recipe, let me know they are awesome and so easy! I get asked to make them alot) and green beans. And the Mr. and I have a new tv addiction....Pawn Stars!!! ON the history channel, its just one of those shows that make you laugh out loud, and we both enjoy it....AMA-zing!!! Till next time peeps!!
P.s Sorry for the over use of Monday, gack!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Many plans this weekend, I hope to take lots of pictures of our small town living. Mostly to motivate to actually take pictures. I love taking pictures, its just that I am always afraid of losing my camera, that has many memories on it little sd card. Someday day in far away land I hope to be more organized and not so fearful of misplacing every item I love. Hey the kids are still around, I I know they are at school. Everyone have a GREAT holiday weekend, and hopefully Tuesday I will have a more fruitful post! .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Introduction, I think....

Kids on the first day of school. Cole aka Coley entering the 1st grade with as many prayers as I can say. All boy and he is definitely going to be the kids that turns my graying hair silver before I am even close to 40. Lauren is entering the all too cool for anything, 4th grade. And yes their relationship is more hate than love. Keep in mind these to kiddos live in very close quarters, they share a room. Again, a rant for another time. I don't like to put sweet little pics on here and ruin it with a rant. :) I need to take a picture of Eddie, a husky black wiener dog, who is channeling lassie and a little bit of cujo. ohhhh can't forgot about the MR. let me tell ya he is some good eye candy, I swear he looks exactly as he did in high school. Yes it is unfair, unless you get to have him all to yourself like me!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All the cards are in....

Ok, here is a little bit of FYI about me.......I am a confessed internet creeper.......I creep blogs, facebook, cooking sites, ebay.....blah blah the list goes on and on. i can't help it, something about looking into the lives of strangers seems to make the long hours of the work day fly be. No don't get me wrong, I am not a ohhh she is really weird and terrifying. Nope just really like to read, and learn a few new things. So for months now I have been throwing around the idea of a blog, I figured I owed to all the people I creep on to creep on me? Right? Although if I haven't already bored you to tears I will eventally stay tuned.
Now on to some really exciting facts about me........snooze fest beware! ok so I may post a bit of my everyday drama on here, Hey a girls gotta vent right, and it is MY blog....I really hope that if I offend someone, don't take it personal. Becuase it problably will happened at some point.
Okay getting back on track.......I am a Wife to a really great guy who I will loving refer to as The Mr. seems soo 50's. We were you average dysfunctional high school sweethearts (well I thought anyways) and mannnyyyy downs and a few ups before we had a baby girl 9 years and we fell completely in love with her and with each other. We married a year later, I know cart before horse, but can't change it. You will read many times how I obsess on this very topic....Baby before marriage? Ohhh that will be another post. And a year after the knot was tied our son Cole was born. The Mr. works very hard providing our rural Kansas community with natural gas, and coaches High School boys basketball. I work for a mid size Farm Implement company, and days it s challenging. More on that later... Well I think I will end for today, my cards are trown in and I will continue to blah about my nothing ramblings until I am forced out of WWW... Do you think they can vote you off like survior?