But I did get a good laugh on the husband...oh I hope he loves me and doesn't commit me.
Quiet house last night, kids in bed husband at the local tavern watching the KU game after men's rec ball. Cue...mom is bored...
Here it starts in text form. (I don't have one of those cool IPhones that take screen shots, because we live in BFE and the cell reception is very scetchy. So I will type the convo in...it's short don't worry.)
Fun app found on phone...change pictures into Zombies.... ok here it goes
Me to husband: Can't wait for you to get home...I like brains.
Husband to me: Did you straighten your hair. (funny guy)
Side note---Ok, this is when I sent him a pic of our beautiful 10year blond daughter Zombiefied. I won't put it on here, someone may turn me in for abuse. Ha! I hope!!
Me to Husband: along with Zombiefied daughter pic..I got tired of waiting on you so I ate on of the kids.
Best part Eva.....he types right back....."what in the hells wrong with you?" and an hour long of giggling ensues on my part!! Finally I quit laughing long enough to type back...Everything...brains nom, nom.....
So, I am not the only one that freaks out the husband...right???